1983 – Tampere Jazz Happening historia
Arto Turunen ǀ Broadway Melody 1940 ǀ David Murray Octet ǀ Edward Vesala Trio ǀ Iskra ǀ Roommushklahn ǀ The Carla Bley Band
Arto Turunen ǀ Broadway Melody 1940 ǀ David Murray Octet ǀ Edward Vesala Trio ǀ Iskra ǀ Roommushklahn ǀ The Carla Bley Band
4suuta ǀ Begone Dull Care ǀ Black And Tan ǀ Etron Fou Leloublan ǀ Ippe Kätkä Band ǀ Jari Perkiömäki Quartet ǀ Jivin’ The Blues ǀ Joseph Jarman – Famoudou Don Moye Quartet ǀ Kalmisto-kvartetti ǀ New Yor-uba ǀ Ulrickk P. Lask ǀ UMO
Big Bad Family ǀ Chevalier Brothers ǀ Jouni Kesti Trio ǀ Maarten Altena Quartet ǀ Orkesteri Karibia ǀ Seppo Kantonen Quartet ǀ Skeleton Crew ǀ Stanley Jordan ǀ Steve Lacy Quintet ǀ Upi Sorvali Sextet ǀ Vesa Lehko – Arto Turunen Duo
Bennie Wallace Quartet ǀ Billy Bang Quintet ǀ Fahrt-art-trio ǀ Halftones ǀ Last Exit ǀ Lille Fröen Saxophonkvartett ǀ Sly & Robbie Taxi Gang ǀ Steve Coleman And Five Elements ǀ The American Jazz Quartet
Abdullah Ibrahim Ekaya ǀ Aki Takase – Maria João Duo ǀ Bullworkers ǀ David Murray Trio ǀ Geri Allen Octet ǀ Human Chain ǀ Leroy Jenkins’ Sting ǀ Maarten Altena Octet ǀ Muhal Richard Abrams ǀ Pentti Lahti – Mircea Stan Duo ǀ Sonny Sharrock Band
Braxtonia ǀ Elliott Sharp Carbon ǀ Jarmo Savolainen – Make Lievonen Duo ǀ John Surman – Karin Krog Duo ǀ Jonas Hellborg Band ǀ Karuna ǀ Microscopic Septet ǀ Willem Breuker Kollektief ǀ World Saxophone Quartet
Eugene Chadbourne ǀ Krakatau ǀ Lady B ǀ Mal Waldron Quartet ǀ Naked City ǀ Oregon ǀ Pearls Of Brass ǀ Rabih Abou-Khalil – Glen Moore Duo ǀ Ray Anderson Quartet ǀ String Trio Of New York ǀ Taju
Chunk ǀ Gary Thomas Seventh Quadrant ǀ Hal Russell & Nrg Ensemble ǀ Henry Threadgill Very, Very Circus ǀ Itchy Fingers ǀ John Scofield Group ǀ Lindsay Cooper: Oh Moscow ǀ Marilyn Crispell – Paul Motian Duo ǀ Step Across The Border ǀ Thomas Heberer – Dieter Manderscheid Duo
Bird’s Eggs ǀ Brandon Ross’ Treasured Stranger ǀ Curlew ǀ Hot Shots ǀ Jack Dejohnette Special Edition ǀ Jean-Paul Bourelly Trio ǀ Linda Sharrock And The Three Man Band ǀ Mix ǀ Myra Melford Trio ǀ Odean Pope Trio ǀ Rinneradio ǀ Shuffle Demons
Bobby Previte’s Weather Clear, Track Fast ǀ Christy Doran ǀ Don Cherry Quartet ǀ Jazz Passengers ǀ Kari Tenkanen Band ǀ Krakatau ǀ Leroy Jenkins ǀ Mika Mylläri Quintet ǀ Misha Mengelbert – Han Bennink Duo ǀ New Winds ǀ Terje Rypdal Blue ǀ Tome Xx ǀ Trevor Watts’ Moiré Music Drum Orchestra